
How to Make Your Genes Work For You!

Have you ever wondered what your genes say about you? What diseases you might be at risk for, or how you might respond to different treatments? Thanks to advances in Genomics, we can now begin to answer some of these questions. Genomics is making massive advances toward predicting, diagnosing, and treating diseases. So what does this mean for you?

Luckily, due to Genomics, preventing disease has never been easier! Keep reading for more information on how Genomics is changing the game for preventative healthcare and disease management.

What is Genomics?

The genome contains all the instructions and information needed for an organism to form, maintain itself, and function. We all have a copy of our own unique genome in every cell of our bodies. A proven saying in Biology is that an accumulation of cells makes tissues, a group of tissues makes organs and functionally related organs create our systems.

You probably have a general idea of the term Genetics, which is the study of the role of individual genes. Genomics is a similar concept, but instead of focusing on individual genes, it focuses on all the genes and environment together.

Genomics also includes the study of complex diseases and conditions, like asthma, cancer, heart disease, chronic kidney disease and diabetes. These issues are usually caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors rather than the expression of individual genes.  

Why is Genomics Important?

According to CDC, six in ten adults have a chronic condition and 4 in 10 adults have two or more. Genomics helps scientists and doctors better understand the cause of these severe and chronic diseases, it is essential for developing new therapies and medicines. Learning more about how our genes interact with each other and the environment is incredibly productive for developing new treatments and diagnostic tools. As a result, Genomics is playing a revolutionary role in disease management, prediction, and prevention.

Genomics is the gift that keeps on giving. But it’s not just Genomics that is revolutionizing modern medicine –– it’s all of the different “omics.” These include Pharmacogenomics (the study of the relationship between drugs and gene expressions) , Microbiomics (study of microbial cells), and Metabolomics (study of small molecules). While there are many other “omics”-related fields, they are all changing the landscape of how we look at disease. These fields of study allow us to create more efficient ways to manage conditions, prevent them from happening in the first place, and predict them long before symptoms have started.

What is Genomics Used for?

One form of Genomics, called Nutrigenomics, studies the relationship between nutrients, diet, and gene expression. Because of Nutrigenomics, we have discovered more about how our environment, food, lifestyle, and supplements have the potential to turn a protective or harmful gene on and off, silence it, slow it down, or increase its expression. Nutrigenomics has the groundbreaking potential to create personalized nutrition plans or treatment approaches that are truly individualized to the patient’s DNA. 

For example, suppose you take a genomic test and discover that you are more susceptible to heart disease. In that case, you can prioritize your cardiovascular health throughout your life to better support your heart. Nutrigenomics can help you find the proper Practitioner-Grade supplements for your heart health or the best exercises and diet for your specific genome. You could also integrate lifestyle changes that have been proven to improve cardiovascular health, like practicing mindfulness and adopting the Mediterranean diet. 

Genomics offers the opportunity for personalized precision medicine, considering the patient’s genetic traits, symptoms, and severity to create the best treatment plan or preventative care for their condition.

Who is Genomics for?

Genomics is for everyone! We can all benefit from learning more about how our genes function together and how our environment and lifestyle influence them. The fact that we can control and impact how our genes express health and wellness is excellent news!

If you’re interested in learning more about genomics and how to make your DNA work for you, check out my new book, Understanding Genomics; How Nutrition, Supplements, and Lifestyle Can Help You Unlock Your Genetic Superpowers. 

As the name implies, this book will teach you how to unlock your genetic superpowers with nutrition, Practitioner-grade supplements, and lifestyle. For those who want to live a longer and healthier life, this book is a must-read! Order a copy today!

UNDERSTANDING GENOMICS; How Nutrition, Supplements, and Lifestyle Can Help You Unlock Your Genetic Superpowers, by Marios Michael, is a fascinating book that gives the clearest explanation of genomics that I have ever encountered. Firstly, it relates how the increasing knowledge in genomics is affecting healthcare by allowing the focus to be on specific genes that affect a particular condition. Even if a "bad" gene is there, its expression can often be discouraged by the use of supplements as well as fasting and a healthier lifestyle.

NOW Available Wherever Books Are Sold!

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